BISP Nashonuma Program Check Online Update 2024

BISP Nashonuma Program Check Online Update 2024

If you did not hear about the latest updates regarding the new registration procedure of BISP Nashonuma Program 2024. You can check online new method which is brilliantly explained and became the most easiest way to get registration. You registration for Benazir Nashonuma program gives your multiple benefits during the critical time of pregnancy. You can attain all the benefits of Nashonuma by using the green card of BISP program.

As per latest news report, the government of Pakistan has announced the new procedure of registration in Benazir Nashonuma Program 2024. You can now easily registered your family for he financial assistance package.

If you are already registered in BISP Kafalat program then you are automatically considered eligible for the BISP Nashonuma scheme because this scheme is valuable during the pregnancy period. After the birth of  a child you are again recycled from the next pregnancy.

BISP Nashonuma Eligibility Criteria:

In order to avail the Benazir Nashonuma program, all the women must be registered in the BISP Kafalat program and must fulfill the following conditions;

  • Pregnant women
  • Breastfeeding mothers
  • Children under 2 years of age (0-23 months)

Benazir Nashonuma Program Registration Online 2024:

If you really want to complete your registration then follow the below mentioned procedure correctly;

  • The BISP registration center has been set up at the Tehsil/District Headquarters Hospitals for proper registration in the Benazir Nashonuma programme.

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  • If you meet all the conditions given above, then visit the registration center. The following documents are required for enrollment in the BISP program
  1. CNIC card [women and children]
  2. B form
  3. Immunization Card

BISP Nashonuma Payment 2024 Approval:

An amount of Rs.2500 will be given every quarter installment to the pregnant women from the registration center in Tehsil District Headquarters Hospital for registration in the program. Every quarterly duration after the birth of the baby, scholarship is boing confirmed. If you meet all the conditions given above, then visit the registration center. 2500 rupees in case of a baby boy and 3000 rupees in case of a daughter (including 500 rupees traveling expenses).

The following documents are required for enrollment in the development program till the age of the child reaches 2 years.

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  • Issue of ID card issued by women in the form of child.
  • Mothers with child immunization card and children under 2 years of age will be given special food to improve their growth.

This amount will be in addition to the BISP Kafalat amount for the Pregnant, breastfeeding mother.


According to the National Nutrition Survey 2018, about 40% of children under 5 years of age do not achieve full physical and chemical development due to malnutrition and are stunted for age. Also, about 18 percent of children under the age of 5 are underweight for their age. Similarly, there are various types of nutritional deficiency in pregnant and lactating women. Adequate nutrition during the first 1000 days of a child’s life (from conception to two years of age) plays a key role in physical and mental development. Therefore, the Government of Pakistan has started developing a better health program for pregnant women, lactating mothers and children under 2 years of age with the support of the World Food Organization under the auspices of BISP.

BISP Nashonuma Eligibility Criteria

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